G.A.T.E.WAYS recognises that gifted and talented children have special educational needs.
G.A.T.E.WAYS operates via host schools throughout the Melbourne metropolitan area and interstate. Specific information is sent to schools via a designated school coordinator. The coordinator then sends on program information to the class and specialist teachers, who can then send home “Expression of Interest” slips. Teacher enrolled programs are run through participating schools all year round. Teachers nominate and enrol children for programs they deem have the social maturity to cope in a new environment, motivation and ability to cope with the expectations of the program. As well, teachers are asked to consider the subject content of the program, ensuring that it is well suited to the student selected. Although there is no limit to how many times a child can attend programs, if a school has a large cohort of highly able children it may not be possible for an individual child to attend all programs offered.
If you receive an “Expression of Interest” and the program date and cost suits you, please complete the nomination form and return to school as soon as possible. The coordinator then enters your details and G.A.T.E WAYS will contact you directly. A school has access to limited places in a given G.A.T.E.WAYS program. These are not guaranteed places, as enrolments are taken on a ‘first come first served’ basis up to the maximum class size. Thereafter children go onto a waiting list.
G.A.T.E.WAYS also runs a range of programs which parents of gifted and highly able children can enrol in directly. These programs include: Brainwaves Club, Holiday Club, Festivals and Leadership.
Further information can be found on the site:
Parent nominated workshops:
Thank you,
Michelle Pieters
Parkdale Primary School G.A.T.E.WAYS co-ordinator
© Copyright Parkdale Primary School