Before school: School grounds are supervised at 8.45 am and students must go straight to classrooms at this time. Students are not allowed to play on equipment or on the oval during this time.
After school: School grounds are supervised until 3.45pm.
Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised (unless they are attending a before or after school care program or supervised extracurricular activity such as guitar lessons or Fit for Kids activities.
Parents/carers are requested to ensure that students do not attend school outside of these supervised times unless they are attending before or after school care program or supervised extracurricular activity such as guitar lessons or Fit for Kids activities.
Families are encouraged to contact the school office for more information about the before and after school care facilities available to our school community or if you would like any further information about our student supervision arrangements.
For a copy of our school’s Yard Duty and Supervision Policy please contact the School Office. This policy includes Parkdale Primary School’s student supervision arrangements across the school day, including before and after school.
© Copyright Parkdale Primary School