School staff are not able to administer analgesics, such as drugs containing paracetamol or aspirin – this includes paracetamol, ibuprofen and other similar medication available over the counter from a pharmacy. (Analygesics can mask signs and symptoms of serious illness and injury). DET and Worksafe Victoria guidelines dictate that the dispensing of drugs must be managed by a medical practitioner.
If a student requires prescription medication to be administered at school, please consider first if the medication can be taken outside the school day, for example medication required three times a day may be able to be taken before and after school, and before bed. We advise that a student should not take his or her first dose of a new medication at school as the student should be supervised by the family or health professional in case of an allergic reaction.
Any medication to be administered at school must conform to all of the following requirements, and be handed into the school office.
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