PPS is committed to maintaining strong links between home and school. We use a program that enables us to further enhance our communication with parents. It is called Compass.
To log into Compass you require your unique family username and password, these details are provided to each family upon enrolment.
You can use the Compass App on your phone, or access the Compass website via your tablet, iPad or home computer. You can access this link from the front page of this website. Here you will see the Compass logo—click on the logo and you will be taken to the login page for Compass.
Upon first login, you will be required to change your password and confirm your email address and mobile phone number. These details may be used by the school for SMS and email communication throughout the year. At any stage, if you have lost your details or forgotten your password, you can phone the school office and you will be reissued with a temporary password to access your account.
Compass provide a guide for parents and families on how to navigate the functions within Compass, just click on the image below to be taken to the correct page on Compass website.
© Copyright Parkdale Primary School