Welcome to Grade 3 at Parkdale Primary School.
2023 Grade 3 Parent Information Handbook
The Grade 3 curriculum is covered within the Victorian Curriculum Level 3. All students will be working towards proficiency in all curriculum areas against these standards.
The Big 5 underpins our Reading Instruction from Foundation to Grade 6. We believe the 5 pillars of: Phonological/Phonemic Awareness; Phonics; Vocabulary; Fluency; and Comprehension are the essentials for reading success. We use a structured literacy approach incorporating MSL/OG and a range of effective programs under the Big 5 umbrella. At Parkdale Primary School we reflect on what works best for our students, research best practice, and adjust accordingly
In Grade 3, reading takes place within the classroom each day and is encouraged as much as possible at home, ideally every night or morning. At school, the children will practise their reading with a partner, a parent helper, independently, as well as with their teacher for regular monitoring and assessment.
CARS Online
CARS & STARS is a comprehensive reading program consisting of ten levels (P-H) that allows teachers to identify and teach twelve reading and comprehension strategies to improve literacy results. Using the program, teachers will be able to provide differentiated instruction, create structure and continuity, and facilitate instructional planning. In Grade 3, students will make use of the online version of the program to learn each of the twelve comprehension skills.
This year, the Grade 3’s will continue to learn MSL – Multi-Sensory Structured Learning. It is based on scientific reading research and uses explicit teaching to inform students of common spelling rules and patterns. The multisensory component is what makes MSL stand out from other traditional reading and spelling programs. It uses auditory (hearing), visual (seeing) and kinesthetic (movement/writing) when teaching spelling to form neural pathways in the brain. Students will all participate in three MSL lessons per week and use the Sound Pack on a regular basis.
Mathematics has three dimensions: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. The children are placed in like ability groups. They attend these sessions five times a week. To determine these groups, children are pre-tested on each specific topic being covered. This allows for movement across the groups and enables us to plan lessons that best suit each student’s learning needs. At the end of each unit, the students complete a post-test to ascertain learning growth. This year, there will be six math’s classes including Tess Arnold and Michelle Cole. Our Math’s program commenced this week, so ask your child who their math’s teacher is for this semester. Students will remain in their classroom when working through Applied topics.
Grade 3 Sport
All students participate in sport between 2.45pm – 3.20pm on Wednesday afternoons. During these sessions the children build upon the skills covered in formal P.E. sessions.
Students in Grade 3 attend a 3 day camp each year. Currently, school camp is placed in Term 4 and will take place in Phillip Island. Grade 3 camp is a great way for the students to celebrate the friendships they have made throughout the year!
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